Okay time in quarantine may be going slow for some but after working full time, homeschooling, blogging and never ending chores, I barely had ANY time to get anything done this past week and we’re already at week 2 of One Room Challenge! Say What!! Luckily we have more time this round and I’m really hopeful to finish this project in 8 weeks.
My budget for this project is very minimal and I am not attempting any DIY rather simply re-decorating/revamping the space- my guest room and it’s adjacent bathroom. I plan to re-use/re-purpose old furniture that I already have and add a few thrifted/low cost pieces here and there. I shared my plan for this project on my week 1 post that you can read here. You can read all other One Room Challenge participants’ posts here.
Since I am not tackling any major DIY/reno I am confident that I can finish both the guest room and the bathroom on time and I have allocated 4 weeks for each of the rooms so the first 4 weeks, I will be sharing progress on the guest room and the last 4 weeks, I’ll focus on the bathroom and will do the final reveal for both at the end of 8 weeks.
So far I’ve accomplished the following regarding the guest room:
- Finished caulking the bottom trims around the entire room (which by the way was tedious to say the least) but I’m so glad I got it done because it was in a really bad shape!
- Sourced a night stand ($15) and a table lamp ($8) from value village. This was done pre-quarantine since I was planning to work on this room for a while now and then later I decided to enter it for the ORC.
- Got installed a door that I had picked up from ReStore for $35. I got lucky with the door dimensions. Btw this room was missing a door all along and we didn’t notice it until after our final walk through in the house!
Plan for werek 2:
- Empty out the guest room (trust me this task deserves a bullet point because I’m dreading this part the most)!
- Order this rug from amazon. Hopefully it arrives in 7 weeks!
Follow along for visual live updates on my insta stories and I will catch you all again next Thursday! Have a great weekend!